Committee composition
Executive Committee
Pete Skabara (PI), Richard Winpenny (WP1), Martin Dawson (WP2), Michael Strain (sWP2), Rachel Oliver (WP3), Jon Heffernan (WP4), Ravinder Dahiya (WP4) and Neil Findlay (PM)
Held every 2 months
Aim is to review progress against milestones and objectives, review risks and take corrective action, accelerate/terminate sub-projects based on progress and/or external advances
Plenary Meetings
Everyone - principle investigator, Work Package Leaders, co-investigators, researchers, PDRAs, PhD students, Impact Champion and Project Manager
Held three times per year
Aim is for each WP to report on progress to whole project cohort
Management Group Meetings
Pete Skabara (PI), Richard Winpenny (WP1), Martin Dawson (WP2), Michael Strain (sWP2), Ian Watson (sWP2), Rob Martin (WP2/WP3), Rachel Oliver (WP3), Jon Heffernan (WP4), Kris Groom (sWP4), Ravinder Dahiya (WP4), Geoff Williams (IC) and Neil Findlay (PM)
Held every 8 months and scheduled 1 month before EAB meetings
Reporting and review of detailed progress in sub-projects
External Advisory Board Meeting
Pete Skabara (PI), Richard Winpenny (WP1), Martin Dawson (WP2), Michael Strain (sWP2), Rachel Oliver (WP3), Jon Heffernan (WP4), Ravinder Dahiya (WP4), Geoff Williams (IC), Stephanie Williams (EPSRC) and Neil Findlay (PM)
External Advisory Board:
Thomas Krauss (University of York)
Jenny Nelson (Imperial College London)
Howard Colquhoun (University of Reading)
John Whiteman (Plessey Semiconductors Ltd)
Held annually around September and ahead of the Project mid-point
Formal reviews with MB, guiding and advising on progress and external interactions, validating any resource reallocation considered by the PI, oversight of mid-term review
Key: PI = principle investigator; WP1 = Work package 1 Leader; sWP1 = sub-project leader of WP1; IC = impact champion; PM = project manager